About Léon
Léon Jansen has a scientific background in food toxicology (MSc), cell biology (PhD) and molecular biology (post-doc). After translating science to practical advices for consumers at the Dutch Nutrition Centre, he is now working as a strategic advisor at Schuttelaar & partners, a consultancy office focussing on issues relating to healthy lifestyle and a sustainable production (https://www.schuttelaar-partners.com/).
Léon contributed to the setup of the Dutch Choices Foundation (www.hetvinkje.nl), a multi-stakeholder cooperation stimulating producers to improved food quality and helping consumers to choose the healthier food products. Food industry, retail, caterers are working together with scientists, government and other health promoting organisations to stimulate consumers to choose products with a front of pack logo. Léon acted several years as secretary general of the foundation and is now focussing on the function of science coordinator and secretary of the scientific committee. Also at the Choices International Programme (www.choicesprogramme.org), Léon is secretary of several (regional) scientific committees setting the criteria for the logo in (countries in) Europe, Latin America and world wide.
Léon participates in the European Commission-funded research project Clymbol (www.clymbol.eu), which aims to understand better the effects of health claims and symbols on food labels, and how this affects purchase and consumption behaviour.